Due to a bug, if a malicious file goes off screen, it will add one to the threat count. To avoid this, keep any suspicious files on screen. (7/Jul)

Please note that currently you are unable to restart the game when you win due to a small bug. This will be fixed after the voting period. Instead, refresh the page to play again or use this link to play the game: https://jublingo.itch.io/computer-defenderr :) (6/Jul)

You are [COMPUTER13253]'s dedicated computer defender! Your job is to keep the user safe by blocking suspicious looking downloads and software. But don't worry, you can use firewalls to block, and honeypots to attract malicious files. Don't let your guard down though! Files may be able to sneak through!


Survive for 365 days


  • Arrow keys to move
  • Hold z to hold torch
  • Hold x to hold packet
  • Press enter to open computer


  • Make sure to have a look around in the computer to upgrade your firewall or purchase a honeypot



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(1 edit)

good concept, just bad design...

you might as well lose if you make a wrong move since you lose to many points when you get a virus or throw away a good thing but don't earn enough points for doing good things.


I appreciate the comment! I agree the point system is a bit scuffed :/ I probably could have improved the point system if I had a bit more time. I'll keep that in mind next jam :)